

3rd-11th July 2025!

We are so excited to announce the current itinerary for the 10th Bikes against Bombs ride…..the Tanzania Cycle Challenge 2025.

This ride will see us cycle from the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro, to the shores of Lake Manyara before finishing in the spectacular wildlife haven of the Ngorongoro Crater.

We will ride through Tanzania’s lush green forests, dry bush lands, through remote villages and bustling towns. The ride will be a real challenge and see us tackling some rough dirt trails all under the hot tropical sun.


Day 1 – Thursday 3rd July 2025

London to Tanzania

If you have chosen the FLIGHTS INCLUDED option, today we will set off on our challenge, meeting the rest of the team at the airport before flying from the UK to Kilimanjaro airport.

Flight details: TBC

Day 2 – Friday 4th July 2025

Arrival in Tanzania 

We land at Kilimanjaro airport, Tanzania. After a little time to relax, there will be a bike fitting and briefing to prepare for the first day of cycling tomorrow, after which we will have a welcome meal to mark the start of an incredible journey.

Day 3 – Saturday 5th July 2025

Kilimanjaro to Mt. Meru in Arusha National Park.

72KM ride

The cycle challenge begins today! We wake up early for a good breakfast and start our ride from the hotel on a mixture of dirt and tarred roads. Starting on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro, we head south through Arusha National Park before arriving at our accommodation close to the base of Mount Meru.

Hotel: Serena Hotel 

Strava: Route 

Day 4 – Sunday 6th July 2025

Mt Meru to Arusha

99 KM ride

Our ride for most of the day takes us around the base of Mt Meru and the Arusha National Park, where we are likely to see wildlife as well as Maasai villages life. We end the day avoiding the main traffic coming into the outskirts of Arusha, one of Tanzania’s most important and vibrant cities.

Hotel: Arusha Lodge

Strava: Route 

Day 5 – Monday 7th July 2025

Arusha to Tarangire National Park

93KM ride

We start early as we cycle out of Arusha heading south west on good fast tarred roads to the great Tarangire national park. We will be stopping along the way to enjoy the vast African plains with lunch in Makuyuni Town before ending the day at our Tarangire Tented Lodge.

Hotel: Tarangire Lodge 

Strava: Route

Day 6 – Tuesday 8th July 2025

Tarangire National Park to Lake Manyara

75KM Ride

We start the day searching for some wildlife before getting on our bikes and out on the road with a route taking in beautiful views over the Rift Valley and Lake Manyara.

Hotel: Manyara Hotel 

Strava: Route

Day 7 – Wednesday 9th July 2025

Lake Manyara to Ngorongoro Crater National Park

45KM Ride

The final leg of our challenge starts early with dirt roads and passing through villages on a 800m climb that will take us all the way to the Ngorongoro Park gate. We celebrate having reached our final destination on an incredible ride.

Hotel: Manyara Hotel 

Strava: Route

Day 8 – Thursday 10th July 2025

Depart Tanzania 

For those leaving on the group flights, after breakfast we transfer back to Arusha and subject to the time of our return flight we have some free time to visit a curio markets. We then we make our way back to Kilimanjaro Airport for our return flight.

Flight details: TBC 

Day 9 – Friday 11th July 

Arrive in London 

Today we land in the UK and have to bid goodbye to the team and what has been an amazing challenge and a life-changing experience.

Please note that these are complicated logistical itineraries, and they remain subject to change. The routes, the distance and the height gains given are subject to final confirmation one month prior to departure. Times are also subject to weather conditions and general timings of the riders on the challenge.



What is a typical cycling day?

On cycle days we wake early for breakfast at our accommodation and then begin cycling. We cycle on average 75+km per day over 7-9 hours with regular breaks to fuel-up on snacks and fluids. After a lunch stop en route, we spend the afternoon cycling until we reach our accommodation where we secure our bikes, freshen up and have the evening to relax. Transfer are kept to a minimum to really get the full experience but are sometimes unavoidable. Every evening the Team Leader gives a briefing about the following day, with information such as the topography and any ‘hot-spots’ to look out for.

How fit do I need to be for the challenge? 

This challenge requires a good level of fitness and we recommend that everyone trains to ensure you are prepared. We will provide a training guide in due course and would recommend a mixture of training in the gym and on the road – getting used to being on the bike, road and weather types which is vital. As well as being fit you need to feel comfortable cycling and being around other road users.

Who supports the ride? 

Alongside MAG staff, we are always accompanied by an Action Challenge Team Leader and two medics who will meet us at the airport and who will accompany us for the entire trip. There will also be a full ground team of fully qualified local guides with the group at all times. All cycle repair equipment will be provided by our local team and back up vehicles will be with us throughout the challenge.

Do I need to bring my own bike?

No. Bikes are provided by the ground team.

Do I need to bring bike equipment?

You must bring a helmet with you on challenges, and it is imperative that this is worn at all times. If you wish to bring your own saddle or peddles with you, you may do so, however, standard ones are provided. There will be at least one if not two water bottle holders on your bike, but you will need to bring a water bottle with you – please check your kit list (to be provided soon) for anything else you may need. Branded cycling jerseys are provided.



Temperatures are cooler during June and July. The long rains begin in March and end in May, while the short rains begin in October and continues to early December.

What is the time difference?

The time zone in Tanzania is BST + 2 hours.

Visas & entry

The UK Government travel advice is here and the Irish Government travel advice is here. Please let us know ASAP if you are travelling on a passport from a different country so we can check entry rules.

UK and Irish citizens must have a tourist visa to enter Tanzania and this can be applied for online. Please also ensure that your passport is valid for at least six months after your departure date, has at least two blank pages, and is in good condition with no damage.

We will provide further guidance and information on this in due course.


The currency for Tanzania is the Tanzanian Shilling which can only be bought in country.  US dollars are widely excepted and in most cases cash is preferred. GBP can be exchanged on arrival into Tanzania.  at the airport.


You can see a summary of vaccine considerations for Tanzania here, you will need to ensure that you speak with a medical professional or travel clinic – such as Nomad or MASTA –  about vaccines for Tanzania, as you may be required or encouraged to have some. A specific conversation should be had about Yellow Fever requirements.

Are MAG working in Tanzania?

Whilst MAG teams are not currently working in Tanzania, we are in the process of seeking
registration to work here on projects focused on armed violence reduction. We are active across 16 other countries in Africa delivering landmine clearance and weapons management projects.


This page will be updated with more information as and when required, but if you have any questions in the meantime please feel free to email
